
Praktikumsangebote für Nachwuchskräfte Nimm deine Zukunft in die Hand.

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Thesis - Implementation and validation of physics based cell models
Graz (Österreich)
Aktualität: 12.05.2024


12.05.2024, AVL List GmbH
Graz (Österreich)
Thesis - Implementation and validation of physics based cell models
Literature review of possible physics-based cell models Algorithm development and implementation of physics-based model Concept development of a data generation model to obtain data which can be to calibrate an equivalent circuit/RC Model Validation of the model based on real test data
Ongoing bachelor studies in the fields of Electrical engineering / electronics, Automotive engineering, Automation technology, Telematics, Innovation management or similar Good knowledge in the field of control engineering First experiences in the application of Matlab/Simulink/Targetlink Good knowledge of English For this analysis your presence at our headquarter in Graz is necessary!


Art des Angebots


Thesis - Implementation and validation of physics based cell models

Graz (Österreich)